
A previous EU funded project based on population-based cancer registries and focused on rare cancer survival produced results in terms of dissemination in the scientific literature and scientific meetings. Ophthalmologists, paediatricians, gastroenterologists, oncologists together with epidemiologists have led and developed analyses about the following rare cancers:

Published Articles

Conference List

RARECARE results were presented at major national and international conferences, patients association meetings and/or conferences. The list of conferences follow:

The RARECARE project is linked with EUCERD: European Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases and its working groups.

The RARECARE project has contributed to the EU public consultation on rare diseases with a comment on the rare cancer definition.
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The RARECARE project is linked with other population-based cancer registries based projects:

  • the EUROCARE project, estimating survival of cancer patients in Europe; the majority of cancer registries involved in EUROCARE also accepted to participate in RARECARE
  • the HAEMACARE project, (Cancer Registry based Project on Haematological Malignancies) contributing to the definition of rare haematological tumours and its standardisation among registries

The RARECARE project is also related with the EUROCHIP project, the European Cancer Health Indicators Project. All the indicators produced by RARECARE will be available for EUROCHIP. In order to interpret possible disparities among European regions or countries, the macro-indicators made available by EUROCHIP will be evaluated within RARECARE.

This section has been interpreted as an overview on activities related to the project that has been carried out until now, such as links to other projects, publications and contributions on rare cancer issues.